
Ear Infections: All About Ear Conditions

What's that. I can't hear you. buy augmentin Maybe it's tinnitus, or impacted ear wax, or cauliflower ear (yup, that's a thing). Find out what.

Augmentin - contraindications for use

The drug is well tolerated by babies, but you can not always use it. Doctors take this feature into account when assigning Augmentin to children, the contraindications to which are the following:

  • hypersensitivity to the components of the drug;
  • intolerance to penicillin antibiotics;
  • presence of episodes of jaundice on the background of previous use of a combination of amoxicillin and clavulanic acid.

Also, it is necessary to designate contraindications for each form of the medicine:

  • tablets 250 mg and more are not prescribed to children under 12 years of age with a body weight of less than 40 kg;
  • Powder for suspension is contraindicated for infants up to 3 months and children with phenylketonuria.


Caused by beta lactamase–producing isolates of H. influenzae and M. catarrhalis.

Infected tooth

When you are having a tooth infection, a course of antibiotics is an easy solution.

You may begin to feel much better after a couple of doses, but it’s very important to complete the full course of antibiotics. This will help prevent antibiotic resistance. The majority of acute tooth infections go away in 3–7 days.